TELL: Teaching English Language Learners Certificate
For Undergraduate LSEHD students only
The Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College offers a certificate
program in Teaching English Language Learners (TELL). Candidates should be working toward a
licensure in an education field (early childhood, elementary, secondary, etc.). This program is
designed to prepare mainstream teachers to work with emergent bilingual learners/English
Language Learners in their mainstream classroom settings. The certificate requires two courses and
completion of a field experience in a classroom that includes bilingual learners.
Required Courses (6 credits)
EDUC 6346/6347 Teaching Bilingual Students*
EDUC 3308 Bilingualism in School and Communities
Required Field Experience
One of the required pre-practicum experiences (EDUC 2151, 3152 or 3153)
must be completed in a classroom with emergent bilingual students/English
language learners.
*EDUC 6346 is for
elementary education majors and EDUC 6347 is for secondary education majors.
Questions?: Please contact Dr. Mariela Paez at [email protected].