Office of Human Capital
Office of Recruitment, Cultivation
and Diversity (RCD)
Annual Hiring & Workforce Diversity
Boston Public Schools
October 26, 2022
Raecia Catchings, Interim Chief Human Capital Officer
Megan Reed, Interim Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Dr. Charles Grandson, Chief of Equity and Strategy
Sharra Gaston, Acting Deputy Chief of Equity and Strategy
Rashaun J. Martin, Acting Director of Recruitment
Adriana Heady, Director of Data and Analytics
Investing in Holistic Student Support
Since the 2019-2020 school year, BPS has added:
356 Paraprofessionals
325 Teachers
159 Instructional Coaches
146 Social Workers
115 Family Liaisons
52 ABA Specialists
42 School Psychologists
26 Librarians
Between March 1 and October 1, 2022
Filled 2,760 postings across the district
1,505 Teacher positions
652 Paraprofessional positions
784 Central Office positions
Remaining Vacancies: 838 (across the district as of 10/1):
152 Paraprofessionals (67 schools & central-budgeted)
91 Managerial positions
77 Cafeteria Workers
2022-2023 Unprecedented Hiring Volume
Teacher Hiring Updates by School Types
Data is as of 10/18.
School Type
# of
# Hire in
# of
% with at Least a
Hire Submitted
Early Elementary 3 1 52 56 95%
Elementary School 38 7 323 368 90%
46 8 388 442 90%
Middle School 5 0 18 23 78%
High School 62 8 324 394 84%
Middle-High School or
22 2 186 210 90%
Total Teachers 176 26 1,291 1,493 88%
Overall Workforce Diversity SY22-23
Data is as of
Total Staff 4,636 125 3,334 981 10,867
% Staff of Color 41.7% 54.4% 66.0% 57.1% 55.3%
Our overall
workforce is a
majority staff of color
staff are our most
diverse group of
Total Garrity Educators 4,637 4,564 4,570 4,573 4,636
% Garrity Educators of Color 38.8% 38.5% 39.4% 40.6% 41.8%
Snapshot: Garrity Educators 2018-2022
Data is as of 10/1
each year.
The diversity of
Garrity educators
in the district
continues to
compared to prior
BPS employs 7% of
the teachers in Massachusetts
BPS accounts for...
30% of the state’s educators of color
46% of the state’s
Black teachers.
20% of the state’s
Latinx teachers.
24% of the state’s
Asian teachers.
Based on DESE data for SY20-21. Data only reflects schools in the state-defined Boston School
District (i.e., excluding Horace Mann Charters and other independently reporting schools)
Overall Garrity Educator Hires 2018-2022
Data is as of 10/1
each year.
The 2022-2023
school year saw
a 66% increase
in the number of
Garrity educator
hires from the
prior year
Total Garrity Educators 969 931 944 810 1,347
% Garrity Educators of Color 44.4% 45.8% 47.0% 53.6% 49.5%
Garrity Educator Hires: External Candidates
Total External Garrity Educator Hires 338 277 263 238 346
% Garrity Educators of Color 39.4% 36.1% 48.3% 55.8% 44.2%
Data is as of 10/1
each year.
This school year,
we hired more
Garrity educators
than any year in
the past 5 years
Garrity Educator Hires: Internal Candidates
Total Internal Educators Hires 121 130 130 342
% Educators of Color 70.3% 44.6% 37.7% 63.2%
Data is as of 10/1.
Compared to last
school year, the
number of paras
and substitutes
who transitioned
into Teacher or
Counselor roles
nearly doubled
Official BPS Languages:
Chinese Cantonese
Chinese Mandarin
Cabo Verdean
Haitian Creole
Garrity Educator Hires: Linguistic Diversity
Data is as of 10/1
each year.
Garrity hires' self-reported fluency in a BPS language
declined for the 2022-2023 school year; however,
proficiency of hires remains above the 5-year average
Educators of
Color continue to
exit the district at
lower rates than
their White
Garrity Educator Exits
(Retirements, Resignations, Non-Renewal, etc.)
Data is as of 10/1
each year.
Total Garrity Educator Exits
360 361 275 328 392
% Garrity Educators of Color Exits
39.4% 42.7% 43.6% 39.0% 36.7%
The Garrity Order requires BPS to achieve and maintain a
desegregated faculty and staff (teachers and guidance
counselors), “comprised of not less than 25% blacks and 10%
other minorities.”
The Order expires when black and other minority teachers and
guidance counselors “have attained seniority to such an extent
that, were a RIF [reduction in force] to occur based on the seniority
provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements reducing
faculty and staff by 3%, the racial/ethnic proportions of faculty and
staff would, in the written opinion of the Superintendent of Schools,
be substantially the same as those existing before it.”
Morgan v. Burke, 926 F.2d 90 (1st Cir. 1991).
A background: Boston remains under the
Garrity Court Order
Recruitment Team
Recruitment Efforts for 2022:
Early Hiring Pool (EHP) to support school-based hiring efforts yielding 539
candidates of which 194 were hired.
RCD hosted three (3) fairs specifically for candidates of color: A Diversity Fair, an
Latinx Educator Fair and a Multilingual Educator Fair
Hired two new Recruitment Managers to put more focus on our government,
non-profit and faith-based community partners and historically black colleges and
Hosted Experienced Educators Fair for the 3 closing schools and two additional fairs
in the Summer/September for Vacant positions.
1 to 1 Coaching on Resume, Cover Letter and Interview skills
Partnered with the City of Boston on 4 City Wide Job Fairs in our most diverse
Increased presence of BPS opportunities through marketing and advertising
Held 7-six session ParaPro prep courses between March and August and served
164 candidates.
Total MTEL Prep Requests in SY 2020-2021: 800
Total MTEL Prep Requests in SY 2021-2022: 1,147
The Data Below Reflects Priority Focus of ESL MTEL Prep in Summer 2022
ESL MTEL Prep Requests by
Summer 2022
38.7% 140
Latinx 16.6% 60
Asian 6.1% 22
27.9% 101
Decline to Identify
9.9% 36
ESL MTEL Prep Requests by
Position N=404
Summer 2022
Paraprofessionals 18% 71
Substitute teachers 2% 10
School/District Staff 37% 150
Teachers and Teachers
on Waivers
43% 173
BPS MTEL Prep Requests SY 2021-2022
BPS MTEL Prep Progress
Winter 2018 to Winter 2020:
199 Aspiring Educators of Color Passed an MTEL
July 2020 to September 2022:
271 Aspiring Educators of Color Passed an MTEL
Between 2018-2022: 470 Aspiring Educators of Color Passed An MTEL
Teacher Cadet Program
We believe the next generation of BPS teachers is in our classrooms right now.
The Teacher Cadet (TC) Program last year served 63 Students from representing 11 schools in the
district. Of our graduating senior class, 100% of college applicants were accepted and now
attend college full time after completing our College Readiness Mentorship.
First cohort of Cadets graduating from college in Spring 2023, will begin prep for their
licensure process before graduation
Curriculum has been revamped to focus on critical thinking, developing communication
skills, social-emotional learning, and cultural responsiveness – all tenets of a well
rounded and effective educator
Will be piloting our TC Ambassadors program in January 2023, getting high school
students hands-on experience working with kids in afterschool programs around the
city, in addition to our weekly Zoom sessions
George B. Cox Equity in Urban Education Fellowship
The George B. Cox fellowship was
designed to provide entry level positions
for early career professionals, specifically
those of color. The cohort of fellows will
have each other to learn from and
connect with as they develop into
seasoned professionals.
There a currently 2 active fellows:
Bilingual Education Recruitment
Data Analyst Fellow
Expansion for 2022-23
Teacher Cadet Fellow
Retention Fellow
RCD Office Fellow
George B. Cox Equity in Urban Education
is named in honor of a beloved educator, leader,
writer, mentor, and advocate for Boston’s children and families. In
memory, his college-mate, Charles Yancey, who later served as a
Boston City Councilor, remembered George Cox, as “a dedicated
warrior for human rights, high-quality integrated education, diversity,
and justice. He fought against racism, sexism, intolerance, and
discrimination. He was strategic in his approach and he was a strong
mentor to many young people in our country.
Bilingual Educators & Accelerated Community to Teacher
Program [BE/ACTT] for Preservice Teachers
Program Description
The BPS Bilingual Educators & Accelerated Community to Teacher
is an intensive 12-month program designed to prepare racially,
culturally and linguistically diverse Boston residents,
career-changers, or BPS paraprofessionals and substitutes who
hold a Bachelor’s degree and experience working with children in a
classroom setting to become novice BPS teachers with a
provisional license.
2022-2023 Cohort
41 Pre-service Candidates
6 Bilingual Candidates
Demographics of Candidates :
Black % - 19
Latinx % -6
White % - 6
Asian % - 6
MIT Teaching Systems Lab, Partner
Study: “Teacher Moments and Beginning
Teachers’ Equity-minded Responses”
SY23-24 Targets:
Increase ACTT from 36 to 659
Increase BE/ACTT from 6 to 16
The BPS Teaching Fellowship
100% Endorsed in either ESL or Moderate Disabilities
100% Endorsed in Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)
100% Hired as Full-time BPS Teachers
75% Cultivated through our BE/ACTT program
92% of the Current Cohort are Educators of Color
The BPS Teaching Fellowship is an accelerated program that prepares in-service, culturally competent teachers within
the Boston community to lead our students to academic success. BPS is the only district in Massachusetts that has a
DESE-approved Initial Licensure in Elementary, Moderate Disabilities and ESL. Full year of coaching, dual certification
in either ESL or Moderate Disabilities
Retention Programs and Services
Degree Completion Partners
Associates Degree
DUET/Southern New Hampshire University
Bachelor's Degree
Boston College
DUET/Southern New Hampshire University
Excelsior College
Grand Canyon University
Merrimack College
Regis College
Certificate Programs and Additional Licensure
Boston College - Certificate Programs
Endicott College - Moderate/Severe Disabilities/ESL
Emmanuel College - Moderate Disabilities/ESL
Grand Canyon University - Moderate/Severe Disabilities
Merrimack College - Moderate Disabilities/ESL license
Master’s Degree & CAGS
B/U - Wheelock College
Emmanuel College
Endicott College
Merrimack College
Northeastern University
Regis College
B/U - Wheelock College of Education
Grand Canyon University
Regis College
Retention Programs and Services
Women Educators of Color (WEOC) Executive Coaching Leadership Program
Male Educators of Color (MEOC) Executive Coaching Program
Keith Love Educators of Peer Mentoring Program
ALANA (African, Latinx, Asian, and Native American) Educators Program
School Leaders of Color (SLOC) Network
Affinity Group Gatherings (Central-Office/School-Based)
Pathway Programs for Licensure and Professional Practice
Educators of Color Monthly Newsletter
Exit Interviews for School-Based and Central Office Staff of Color
Diversity Programs
Schools Set Ambitious Diversity Hiring Goals
For the second year, all schools were asked to set hiring goals for
the diversity of educators hired for the 2022-2023 school year
70% the average hiring goal set by our schools
101 schools set diversity hiring goals
30 schools met or exceeded their goals
School Leader Turnover and Hiring Demographics
Data is as of 10/1.
Nearly half of the
24 school leaders
who left their
positions at the
end of 2021-2022
did so for another
in-district position